Working of Electric kettle


    Everyone knows the Electric kettle is electric an instrument which is used for making tea or coffee but mostly peoples are not known how the electric kettle works and it converts the hot water into the cold water. How Heat energy is generated by electric energy. Therefore I feel I write an article in which I describe how the Electric kettle works and explain to the peoples how the Cold Water convert into hot water.

    How electric kettle is used for boiling water?

    Part used for generating the heat

    In electric kettle different parts are used for generating the heat and boil the Water or liquid material that is present in this pot. At the bottom of the kettle is a sealed electric heating element. Above the heating element is a canister that holds water. The canister can be removable, or it can be built into the kettle. The controls are on the side of the kettle. Typically, there is an on/off switch and a thermostat that controls how hot the kettle gets. There are different part such as   
    •  Heating Element
    •  Thermostat      

    Heating Element 

    The heating element is a kind of resistor that helps in converting the electric current flow into heat which later helps in heating or boiling the water inside the kettle. Electric kettles are powered by a heating element that works in the same way an electric range does. The heating element is a resistor—a material that resists the flow of electricity. When electricity flows into the resistor, it is turned into heat. That heat is what heats up the water inside the kettle.


    The thermostat has a variable resistor that is present inside it. When the resistance is reduced, the current in the thermostat increases causing the transistor to increase the current which raises the temperature of the water. The heating element is controlled by the thermostat. The higher you set the temperature, the lower the resistance is. A small current runs through the thermostat, usually controlling an electronic switch called a transistor. The transistor, in turn, controls the heating element. When the resistance goes up in the thermostat, less current flows through, which causes less current to flow through the heating element. This keeps the heating element and the water cooler. When the resistance is reduced, the current through the thermostat increases, which causes the transistor to increase the current through the heating element. This raises the temperature of the water.


    You can boil water in different kinds of ways—even in a simple pan or container on an open fire or stove—though an enclosed kettle is usually much faster than the open pan or container: close kettle stops heat escaping, allows the pressure to rise faster (remember that water boils when its saturated vapor pressure equals atmospheric pressure), and helps the water to boil more speedily. But do you ever get frustrated at how long it takes your kettle to boil? Don't! The amazing thing is that your kettle boils as fastly as it does—and here's why.
    If you keep pumping heat energy into the bottom of a kettle where the heating element is present (faster than heat is escaping through the top and the sides), sooner or later the water inside it will boil. A basic law of physics called the conservation of energy tells us that if you need to boil a liter of water, starting from the same temperature, you'll always have to add the same amount of energy to do it. Whether you use a camp fire or a kettle, a microwave or some amazing stirring device, the amount of energy you have to put in to boil the water is exactly the same.


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