Usage of Electric kettle

    How Electric kettle use for making teas that boosts up your immunity? And save you from Corona Virus COVID-19


    Everyone knew Electric kettle is used for making tea coffee but people don't know how we use an electric kettle for making different teas Within some second and easy method when the Stove is not available. We can makes different drinks which boosts up your immunity for prevention of different dangerous diseases such as Coronavirus Covid-19, Cholera, Malaria, etc

    Teas which boost immunity

    Everyone wants to know What’s better when you have a cold or the flu than curling up on the couch with a giant mug of tea? You probably like this for more than just comfort reasons. Teas are a great way to help boost up your immune system and battle with the virus which produces a common symptoms when you’ve already become run down with a cold.
     Tea has different properties that help things like a sore throat, upset stomach, and congestion, and can help you terminate these symptoms when you feel like you are fading away. Plus, many other teas help you to feel relax and get to sleep, which is an important way to feeling better. Stock your cupboards and enjoy these teas in sickness and in health. There are a different kind of teas

    ·  Ginger Tea
    ·  Holy Basil (Tulsi) Tea
    ·  Mint Tea
    ·  Chamomile Tea
    ·  Lavender Tea
    ·  Turmeric Tea

    Ginger Tea

    This is a very delicious tea that is soothing for the throat and also is great for helping with any nausea or digestive complaints and improve your immune system.

    An electric kettle is used for making this tea. Add 2 cups of water in an electric kettle and add some fresh ginger with lemon and set the boiling temperature and time on your choice. After some seconds your tea is ready.
     You can also purchase a variety of ginger teas that have the same anti-microbial and anti-viral effects as the real deal.

    Holy Basil (Tulsi) tea

    This is a very useful and multi-purpose tea that can help with so many things in your body. This is one of the best uses of holy basil tea when you are ill or sick, this helps you for respiratory disorders, though it’s also beneficial for many diseases such as fever, asthma, lung disorders, heart disease, and stress. It has very important and amazing benefits to help relieve stress and support your adrenal glands, which indirectly helps boost your immune system.

    An electric kettle is used for making this tea. Add 2 cups of water in an electric kettle and add some tulsi leaves or powder in water add some lemon if you want and set the boiling temperature and time on your choice. After some seconds your tea is ready. Brew a cup and sip it slowly: you’ll see why it’s calming and soothing on many different levels!

    Mint tea

    Mint facilitates smoother digestion. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It has antiviral and antibacterial properties that can keep mild flu and cold. Mint may help to cure headaches too.

    An electric kettle is used for making this tea. Add 2 cups of water in an electric kettle and add some mint fresh leaves or powder in water add some lemon and honey  and set the boiling temperature and time on your choice. After some seconds your tea is ready. Brew a cup and sip it slowly: you’ll see why it’s calming and soothing on many different levels!

    Chamomile (or camomile) tea

    This is a flowering herb. Chamomile is more fragrant than other similar flowers, an almost apple-like aroma that is very delicious and relaxing. For this reason, and due to  its many reported health benefits, chamomile is popular in herbal teas.

    An electric kettle is used for making this tea. Add 2 cups of water in an electric kettle and add some Chmamile fresh leaves or powder in water add some lemon if you want and set the boiling temperature and time on your choice. After some seconds your tea is ready. Brew a cup and sip it slowly: you’ll see why it’s calming and soothing on many different levels!

    Lavender tea

    Lavender tea is made from fresh buds and powder of lavender buds. This has fragrant is a very beneficial tea for our body to improve your immune system. It improves your sleep. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Open the airways. It has anti-allergic properties.

    An electric kettle is used for making this tea. Add 2 cups of water in an electric kettle and add some lavender fresh buds or powder in water add some lemon and honey if you want and set the boiling temperature and time on your choice. After some seconds your tea is ready. Brew a cup and sip it slowly: you’ll see why it’s calming and soothing on many different levels!

    Turmeric tea

    The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. It gives turmeric its characteristic yellow color. It is proven to have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. It reduces arthritis symptoms. It boosts immune function.

    An electric kettle is used for making this tea. Add 2 cups of water in an electric kettle and add some Turmeric powder in water add some lemon and honey adds fresh ginger and black pepper if you want and set the boiling temperature and time on your choice. After some seconds your tea is ready. Brew a cup and sip it slowly: you’ll see why it’s calming and soothing on many different levels!


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